Linden Weathers 20 Year Ice Storm

Despite Old Man Winter’s best efforts, Linden Golf and Country Club has made it through the worst storm in recent memory.

Ice, snow and freezing rain all hit the Course with a vengence not seen since 1996.

Numerous trees were damaged, some to the extent of needing to be removed altogether (a strategic red pine just to the left and immediately next to the seventh green is the most notable).

The turfgrass on the course remains largely unaffected by the storm. This is due in large part by the restrictions placed on course usage by the Pro Shop and Maintenance Staff.

A large and efficient (volunteer) crew has been helping with the clean-up. They have made great strides in their efforts, but much debris remains on the facility. Anyone wishing to assist Thane and his crew may do so by contacting him @ 845-8222 or the Pro Shop @ 845-2056.

See you soon and remember that the season starts soon. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the Spring Kick-Off Tourney scheduled for Saturday March 31st – 8:00 shotgun start.